Handels Forhold

Markeds Udførsel
Markeds Udførsel
cTraderFlydende spænd
Minimalt: 94.00Gennemsnit: 97.06
Market Hours*Open Now
Market Hours*Open Now
Begræns og Stop Niveau0
1 tik værdi0.001
Minimal kontrakt størrelse0.01 lot
1 parti størrelse1 LNK
1 PIP værdi per 1 parti i USD0.001 USD
Minimale skridt for at hæve kontrakt størrelse0.01 lot
Margen krav for at åbne en låst position *0
Udførelses TilstandMarket (irrelevant of platform or Account type)

*Kun hvis margen niveau > 100%

Spænd udbudt er en refleksion af det tidsvejet gennemsnit fra kl. 09:00 – 21:00 (GMT) for perioden for 01/04/2020 - 30/06/2020. Selv om FxPro forsøger at levere konkurrencedygtige spænd gennem alle handelstimer, bør kunder bemærke, at disse kan variere og er underlagt de underliggende markedsforhold. Ovennævnte er kun for vejledende formål. Kunder bliver anbefalet at tjekke vigtige nyhedsannonceringer på vores Økonomiske Kalender, hvilket blandt andet kan resultere i spredningen af spænd.

De ovennævnte spænd er tilgængelige under normale valutahandelsforhold. FxPro har retten til at ændre de ovennævnte spænd i forhold til markedsforhold, som per ´Forretningsbetingelser´.


Chainlink is a unique network platform that is aimed at ensuring the security of personal and payment data when conducting transactions with smart contracts based on Ethereum.

Moreover, the developers have improved the protection of the transmitted information both inside and outside the blockchain. Between the blocks, particular nodes called oracles are located. These interconnected oracles reconcile incoming data from different sources and then transfer it to a smart contract. The main goal of such a system is to make the Internet free from inaccurate information, although it is challenging to verify millions of transactions a day centrally. But Oracles are up to the task.

It turns out that the Chainlink ecosystem simultaneously supports the smooth operation of smart contracts, checks the data transmitted with their help, and eliminates the possibility of fraud.

The Chainlink project is already used by giants such as Binance, AAVE, and even Google. Soon, developers plan to connect intelligent contracts of another type, not only Ethereum. Collaboration with companies such as Swift, Gartner, and IC3 helps the sustainable development of the project. In fact, a system of this kind makes the whole system a pioneer, adding security to the LNK proprietary cryptocurrency.

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