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Your questions answered

About the Company

Hvor længe har FxPro været i drift?

FxPro began its journey in **1999**, evolving into one of the leading online trading brokers globally. Over the years, FxPro has expanded its regulatory framework to ensure compliance with the highest industry standards.

FxPro operates under multiple entities regulated by respected authorities worldwide, including:

  • **Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC)**
  • **Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK**
  • **Securities Commission of The Bahamas (SCB)** and more.

This strong regulatory oversight reflects FxPro’s commitment to providing a secure and transparent trading environment for its clients.

Hvad er fordelene ved at handle hos FxPro?

FxPro is a No Dealing Desk Execution* broker, offering professional trading conditions, superior execution technology and access to deep liquidity.

Trade CFDs on a wide range of instruments, including popular FX pairs, Futures, Indices, Metals, Energy and Shares, and experience the global markets at your fingertips.

FxPro also offers free educational material, forex trading tools and demo trading accounts to all of our clients to help them practice and learn more about CFDs trading before opening a live trading account. FxPro customer support team is ready to help you 24/5 with any queries you may have in more than 20 languages.

*Subject to our Order Execution Policy

Hvor er jeres kontorer?

We have offices in the UK, Cyprus, UAE, Monaco and Bahamas. You can see all office and contact details here.

Who are your regulators?

FxPro group operates several legal entities, each regulated by the relevant local authority in that jurisdiction.

FxPro Financial Services Ltd is regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (‘CySEC’) and by the South Africa Financial Sector Conduct Authority (‘FSCA’). FxPro UK Limited is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’). FxPro Global Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the Securities Commission of The Bahamas (‘SCB’).

You can see more information about our licences and regulations here: https://www.fxpro.com/about/licences

Since the availability of jurisdictions may depend on your country of residence, please check the registration page to see which jurisdictions are available to you.

Hvordan bliver jeg registreret som en repræsentant?

Få mere information om partnerskabsmuligheder via dette link:https://www.fxpro.com/partners
Udfyld din online formular med dine kontaktoplysninger og generelle oplysninger (f.eks. din hjemmeside (hvis gældende) antal af potentielle kunder osv.) og så vil en af vores repræsentanter kontakte dig for at drøfte yderligere.

When and how are IB commissions paid?

Kommission bliver krediteret på din FxPro Wallet på ugentlig basis. Du kan bruge bankoverførsel for at hæve dine kommissioner.

Forsyner I jeres repræsentanter med nogen form for salgsfremmende materiale?

Ja vi forsyner vores repræsentanter med bannere, logoer og gratis værktøjer så som widgets og regnemaskiner. Alle salgsfremmende materialer er tilgængeligt via vores kontekst management system som er leveret og hostet af FxPro uden yderligere omkostninger for dig:


Hvordan åbner jeg en live handelskonto?

For at registrere for live handelskonto, klik på 'Registrer' ikonet på FxPros hjemmeside og følg trinene påkrævet for at fuldføre tilmeldelsesprocessen. Du vil automatisk modtage en e-mail med din platforms legimitationsoplysninger til den e-mail du har oplyst. Log ind på FxPro Direct med din e-mailadresse og valgte adgangskode. Fra der kan du indlæse dine dokumenter (hvis du ikke har gjort det endnu) administrere din konto, downloade dine platforme og finansiere din konto.

Venligst bemærk at den jurisdiktion tilgængelig for dig vil afhængige af dit bopælsland. FxPro tilbyder ikke kontrakter for Difference (CFDs) til beboere fra visse lande som USA og den islamiske republik Iran.

Kan jeg åbne en virksomhedskonto?

You can open a trading account on your company name via our usual sign-up procedure. Please enter the personal details of the person who will be the authorised representative and then log into FxPro Direct to upload official company documentation such as a certificate of incorporation, articles of association etc. Once we receive all necessary documents, our Back Office Department will review them and assist in the completion of the application.

Tilbyder I gratis bytte kontoer?

FxPro offers swap-free accounts for religious purposes. However, fees may be applied once trades on certain instruments are open for a specific number of days. To apply for a swap-free account, please send an email request to our Back Office Department at [email protected]. For further details on FxPro swap-free accounts, please contact our Customer Support.

Kan jeg åbne en fælles konto?

Yes. To open a joint account, each person must first open an individual FxPro account and then fill a Joint Account Request Form which can be obtained by contacting our Back Office Department at [email protected].

Please note that joint accounts are only available to married couples or first degree relatives.

Kan jeg åbne mere end en konto hos FxPro?

Ja, FxPro tillader op til 5 forskellige handelskonti. Du kan også åbne yderligere handelskonti via din FxPro Direct.

What base currencies can I open an account in?

We offer Trading Account currencies in EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, JPY, PLN, AUD and ZAR. Additionally, we also offer NGN, VND, THB, MYR and IDR for certain jurisdictions, allowing you to trade in your local currency.

It is recommended that you select a Wallet currency in the same currency of your deposits and withdrawals in order to avoid any conversion fees, however you can select different base currencies for your Trading Accounts. When transferring between Wallet and an account in a different currency, a live conversion rate will be displayed to you.

Hvad er Premium (VIP) konto?

VIP Premium Accounts are offered to selected individuals with high deposits (typically $50k or equivalent) and those actively trading large volumes. VIP clients benefit from free VPS service and the possibility of decreased spreads/commissions.

For more information please visit our VIP page: https://www.fxpro.com/vip

Hvilke kontotyper tilbyder I?

We offer a variety of account types for you to choose from, via a range of platforms including Metatrader 4, Metatrader 5 & cTrader.

The trading conditions for each account differ based on the jurisdiction.

You can see a useful comparison table of the account types and features on the page below: https://www.fxpro.com/trading-platforms/comparison

Spread Betting accounts are also available to clients of FxPro UK Limited that reside in the UK.

Tilbyder I demo-kontoer?

Yes. Demo accounts are a valuable trading tool to help beginners learn how to trade and allow experienced traders to experiment and test new strategies in a risk-free environment.

You can open an unlimited amount of demo accounts via FxPro Direct.

Although demo accounts present real market conditions and prices, please keep in mind that they are simulations and cannot always reasonably reflect all of the market conditions as during highly volatile or illiquid periods (e.g. market openings, news announcements) they may not behave in the same manner as live accounts.

Er demo konti begrænset på nogen måde?

You may open as many demo accounts as you wish. Demo accounts can be recharged with funds via FxPro Direct. However, please note that demo accounts will be deactivated after 180 days. Also, our MT4 and MT5 demo accounts are limited to a maximum of 70 open positions.

Although demo accounts present real market conditions and prices, please keep in mind that they are simulations and cannot always reasonably reflect all of the market conditions as during highly volatile or illiquid periods (e.g. market openings, news announcements) they may not behave in the same manner as live accounts.

Margin and leverage settings may vary between your demo and live account and you should not expect any success with the Demo Account to be replicated in your live trading.

For this reason, it is strongly recommended that demo accounts are viewed solely as a learning tool for inexperienced traders or a place for testing new trading strategies.

How to open an account with FxPro

  1. Click the ‘Register’ button on this page and open your New FxPro Direct account. Fill out the form with your name, country of residence and email. Set the password.
  2. Specify your nationality, date of birth and mobile number.
  3. Then, your residential address is required.
  4. To act in your best interest, we kindly ask to specify your occupation and education level.
  5. To understand your needs better, we should know more about your financial status and investment plans.
  6. Your trading experience also matters to us! Please answer carefully, as your responses will determine your suitability to trade CFD with FxPro.
  7. The next important step is a small test for financial markets knowledge.
  8. Now, put the default trading account settings. Later, you can open additional real and demo accounts with other preferences at any time.
  9. Right after that, you may undergo the identity verification by uploading the digital copies of the documents required.
  10. Don’t forget to check your inbox! The FxPro Team will send you an email with account credentials. Please keep them safe.

You will be able to fund your account once it gets verified to start trading with FxPro.

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Er mine personlige oplysninger sikre hos jer?

FxPro tager seriøse forebyggende foranstaltninger for at sikre at dine personlige oplysninger forbliver fortrolige. Din adgangskode er krypteret og dine personlige oplysninger er lagret på sikre servere og ingen har adgang til dem, med undtagelse af et meget lille antal autoriseret medlemmer af personalet.

Hvilke dokumenter kræver I?

We require a copy of your valid International Passport, National ID card or Driver's Licence in order to verify your identity.

We may also request a Proof of residence document showing your name and address, issued within the last 6 months.

The document(s) required and their current verification status can be seen at any time via FxPro Direct.

Hvordan kan jeg uploade eller sende mine dokumenter til jer?

Du kan uploade dine dokumenter ved registrering. Du kan også uploade dokumenter via din FxPro Direct ved at klikke på 'Min Profil' og derefter 'Upload dokumenter'. Alternativt kan du sende dem via e-mail til [email protected]

How can I verify my profile?

  1. Sign in to FxPro Direct with your email and password.
  2. Get ready to take a photo of your passport, ID card or driver’s license.

    (A Proof of residence, such as a bank statement or utility bill, issued within the last 6 months, may also be required).

  3. Click the “Upload documents” button and choose the row with the document you prefer to provide.

Document verification is usually very fast and you can always check the status from the same section in FxPro Direct.

Please note that uploading the documents through Direct is the only acceptable channel of submitting these documents and that any documents sent by email will not be processed.

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What should I do if I fail the appropriateness test?

As a regulated broker, we are required to assess the suitability of our clients in regards to their understanding of CFDs and knowledge of the risks involved.

If it is deemed that you do not currently have the experience required, you can proceed with a demo account creation. Once you feel that you are ready and experienced enough to open a live account, and are fully aware of the risks involved, please contact us so we can reassess your suitability.

If the information you provided to us on the registration form was inaccurate, please let us know so we can contact you to clarify any errors.


Er dine platforme forenelige med Mac?

De FxPro MT4 og FxPro MT5 handels platforme er både forenelige med Mac og kan downloades fra vores Download Center. Venligst bemærk at vores web-baseret og mobilversion af vores FxPro MT4, FxPro MT5 og FxPro cTrader platforme også er tilgængelige.

Tillader I brug af handelsalgoritme på jeres platforme?

Ja. Ekspert Rådgivere er fuldstændig forenelig med vores FxPro MT4 og FxPro MT5 platforme, og cAlgo handel kan også bruges på vores FxPro cTrader platform. Hvis du har nogle spørgsmål vedrørende Ekspert Rådgivere og cAlgo robotter, venligst kontakt vores kundeservice på [email protected].

Hvordan logger jeg ind på MT4 handelsplatform?

Du kan logge ind på din terminal fra menuen øverst til venstre på skærmen. For at gøre dette, klik ‘Fil’ og derefter ‘Log ind på handelskonto’. Så vil en ny boks komme frem, som vil spørge efter dine login-legimitation, adgangskode, og serveren som din konto er blevet tildelt. .

log in

Dine login informationer er sendt til dig via en e-mail efter din konto blev godkendt.

Med demo konto legimitation kan du også få adgang til via FxPro Direct. For at kigge på dem, Log ind på din FxPro Direct, klik på ‘Min Profil’ fra listen på venstre side, og derefter klik på ‘Platform Legimitation’ og klik på ‘Min Profil’ siden.

Hvis du har glemt MT4 live kontoens adgangskode, kan du nulstille via FxPro Direct.

How do I place a new order in MT4?

Der er mange måder at lave en ny øjeblikkelig ordre i MT4 terminalen:

  1. Klik på ‘Ny Ordre’ ikonet på værktøjslinjen
  2. Vælg ‘Ny Ordre’ fra rullemenuen værktøjer
  3. Tryk F9
  4. Højreklik på instrumentet i ‘Marked View’ vinduet og vælg ‘Ny Ordre’
  5. Dobbelt-klik på instrumentet i ‘Marked View’ vinduet
  6. Aktiver et-klik-handel

Fortsæt med en af de ovennævnte valgmuligheder og det valg vil åbne ‘Ordre’ vinduet. Denne vil tillade dig at justere de parametre på den position du er ved at åbne. ‘Symbol’ feltet tillader dig at ændre det instrument og ‘Volume’feltet tillader dig at indstille størrelsen på handlen(parti). Du kan også sætte stop-tab og tag-profit niveauer.
Derefter klikker du ‘Sælg’for at åbne en kort position på det nuværende byde-pris eller ‘Køb’ for at åbne lang position på nuværende spørge-pris.

Hvordan lukker du en position på MT4?

For manuelt at lukke en åben position, må du først lokalisere din ordre i MT4 ‘Terminal’ vinduet nederst på din MT4 skærm. Højreklik på den ordre du ønsker at lukke og vælg ‘Afslut Ordre’, eller dobbelt-klik på ordren for at bringe ‘Ordre’ vinduet frem og luk det ned derfra. Alternativt, kan du lukke din position ned ved at klikke på ‘X’ symbolet nederst i højre hjørne på din MT4 terminal.
Hvis du har et-klik handel aktiveret, vil disse handlinger resultere i omgående afslutning af handlen, uden at vise noget bekræftelsesvindue.
Hvis du har sat gyldige stop-tab eller tag-profit niveauer, vil din ordre lukke ned når markedsprisen når en af dine niveauer som du har specificeret.

Hvordan placerer jeg en ventende ordre på MT4?

En ventende ordre er en instruktion på at åbne en position, når et instrument når en vis pris, defineret af dig.
Du kan placere en ventende ordre med hoved‘Ordre’ vinduet. Nemt ved at ændre ‘Type’ fra ‘Øjeblikkelig udførelse ‘Ventende Order’. En rullemenu vil komme frem som tillader dig at specificere om den ventende ordre, som du er ved at placere, er et Begræns Køb, Begræns Salg, Stop-Køb eller Stop-Salg ordre. Den vil også tillade dig at sætte en begrænsningspris og udløbsdato og tid.
Vær opmærksom på at Stop-Køb & Begræns Salg skal placeres over nuværende markedspris, mens Stop-Salg og Begræns Køb skal placeres under den nuværende markedspris.

Hvordan ændrer eller sletter du en ventende ordre i MT4?

For at ændre eller slette en ventende ordre som du har placeret, lokaliser ordre i ‘Terminal’ vinduet nederst på din MT4 skærm. Åben Ordre ses over dine kontoinformationer, mens ordre som endnu ikke er blevet udført, ses under dem. Højreklik eller dobbelt-klik på ordren, som du ønsker at ændre eller slette. En pop-op-menu vil komme frem som tillader at du vælger ‘Ændre eller Slet Ordre ’. ‘Ordre’ vinduet kommer frem og giver dig mulighed for, at ændre prisen hvormed ordren er udløst, at nulstille udløbsdato på ordren, at sætte Stop-Tab eller Tag-Profit niveau eller at slette ordren fuldstændig.

Hvorfor er ændre knappen gråtonet når jeg forsøger at sætte SL eller TP for en eksisterende ordre?

Hvis ‘Ændre’ knappen er gråtonet når du forsøger at sætte Stop-Tab eller Tag-Profit niveau for en eksisterende ordre, så kan det være fordi du har placeret din Stop-Tab eller Tag-Profit niveau, for tæt på den nuværende pris. Alternativt, kan det også betyde at du har sat niveauerne på den forkerte side af den nuværende pris.
Venligst bemærk, at for korte positioner (Sælg Ordre) stop-tab skal sættes højere end den nuværende markedspris, og tag-profit niveau skal sættes lavere end den nuværende markedspris.
Du kan se minimal stop niveauer for hver platform på symbol specifikationerne: https://www.fxpro.com/trading/forex

Hvordan tilføjer jeg brugerindikators eller EA´er til MT4/MT5?

For at tilføje bruger EA´er eller brugerindikatorer, venligst åben MT4 og gå til Fil>Åben Data Mappe derefter vælg MQL4/5>'Eksperter' or 'Indikatorer' eller 'Indikatorer' Og træk din MQL4/EX4 eller MQL5/EX5 fil ind i denne mappe. Når du genåbner platformen, skulle du kunne se bruger EA/Indikator i navigationsvinduet og du kan trække det og droppe det ind i de diagrammer, som du vælger.
Du kan finde bruger EA´er og indikatorer på MQ5 hjemmesiden: https://www.mql5.com/en/code/mt4

Hvor finder jeg min nye oprettet EA på MT4 platformen?

Alle EA´er er synlige i ‘Navigator’ vinduet på venstresiden af MT4 platformen. Klik på ‘Ekspert Rådgivere’ i rul-ned menuen og derefter klik på ‘+’ ikonet for at udvide valgmuliglighederne og se den fulde liste af EA´er som er til rådighed.
Derefter kan du trække og droppe den, som du ønsker at bruge til det relevante diagram.

Hvordan kan jeg efterteste min EA?

Du kan efterteste præstationen af din EA på historiske data på MT4 platformen. For at gør dette, gå til ‘View’, vælg ‘Strategi Tester’, vælg Ekspert Rådgivere fra listen og sæt dine eftertest parametre.
For flere detaljer henvises der venligst til MT4 eftertest-guiden som er tilgængelig her.
Når du først er glad for din EA, kan du teste den i live handelsforhold på din demo konto.

Hvordan ved jeg om min EA fungerer rigtigt?

For at sikre at din EA fungerer rigtigt, må du først få bekræftet om din EA´er er aktiveret på din platform. For at gøre dette, tjek at ‘AutoHandel’knappen på hovedværktøjslinjen øverst på skærmen er grøn. I det tilfælde, at den er rød, klik på den for at aktivere EA´er. .


Du må derefter sikre dig at din EA er aktiveret for live handel. For at gøre dette, højreklik på diagrammet hvor EA´eren er blevet placeret og klik ‘OK’. Din EA burde nu fungere korrekt.

Tillad live handel

Når først din EA fungerer, kan du tjekke ‘Eksperter’ og ‘Journal’ tab i din terminal, for at se om dit system rapporterer nogen fejl.
Venligst bemærk at hvis din EA fungerer og automatisk handel er aktiveret, vil du kunne se et smiley face i øverste højre hjørne på diagrammet ved siden af navnet på EA´eren.

Hvorfor har mit diagram et kryds/sur smiley i hjørnet?

Det virker som om du ikke har Ekspert Rådgiver aktiveret på din MT4 terminal. Dette kan gøres nemt ved at klikke på ‘AutoHandel’ikonet på hovedværktøjslinjen over diagrammet. Når det lille symbol indeni går fra rød til grøn, er EA´er blevet aktiveret. Alternativt kan du gøre dette ved at gå til ‘Værktøjer’, ‘valgmuligheder’, vælg ‘Ekspert Rådgivere’ tab og sikre at ‘Aktiver Ekspert Rådgivere’ boksen er afmærket.
Du er også nødt til at sikre, at den specifikke EA er aktiveret for handel, ved at vælge'Tillad Live Handel' i 'fælles' tab når du trækker EA til diagrammet.

Hvordan fjerner jeg en EA som jeg har indført på min MT4/MT5 platform?

For at fjerne en EA fra din MT4/5 platform, højreklik på diagrammet, vælg ‘Ekspert Rådgivere’ og derefter ‘Fjern’.

Kan jeg kører mere end en EA på samme tid på MT4?

Ja, du kan køre mange EA´er på samme tid og på samme instrument. Midlertidig, kan du kun indføre en EA per diagram. For eksempel, hvis du ønsker at sætte to EA´er til handel på EURUSD, er du nødt til at åbne to EURUSD diagrammer og indføre en EA på hver af dem.

Hvor kan jeg finde min kontobalance og handelshistorie?

Alle kontobalancer og handelshistorikker findes i ‘Terminal’vinduet nederst på din MT4 skærm. I bunden af dette vindue vil du finde følgende tabs:

  • Handel:viser din kontobalance, aktiver, margen, fri margen, margenniveau og alle åbne positioner og ventende ordre
  • Konto Historik:viser en fuldstændig nedbrydning af alle ordre som du har placeret, inklusiv dato og tid, type, størrelse, instrument, pris ved åbning, tag-profit og stop-tab, pris og tid ved lukning, konverteringsgebyr og profit.
  • Journal:giver en liste over alle de handlinger, du har foretaget på din MT4 terminal, såvel som de respektive datoer og tider.

Hvordan opretter jeg en MT4 handelsopgørelse?

Du kan oprette en handelshistorikrapport og oprette den som en separat HTML eller EXCEL fil. For at gøre dette, skal du logge ind på din MT4 terminal og klikke på ‘Konto Historik’tab nederst på ‘Terminal’vinduet, som er i bunden af din MT4 skærm. Højreklik hvor du vil indeni vinduet og vælg ‘Gem som Rapport’. Et nyt vindue vil vise sig, som vil tillade dig at specificere en Gem Placering. Klik ‘Gem’for at fuldføre procedure.

Hvordan bruger jeg marked view vinduet?

'Marked View'listen er en sektion på MT4/MT5 som viser alle BUD/SPØRGE priser og tillader dig at se instrumenter, placeringsordre, åbne diagrammer osv.
For at kunne se alle diagrammer tilgængelig for handel, venligst højreklik på marked-view-vinduet og vælg'Vis Alle'.

Vis Alle

Du kan højreklikke på marked-view-vinduet, vælg'Symboler'og derefter manuelt tilføje det instrument du ønsker at se på listen. Du kan også oprette brugerdefineret sæt.

Hvordan ændrer jeg MT4/MT5 adgangskode?

Når du først er logget ind med din nuværende adgangskode, venligst gå til værktøjer>Valgmuligheder og under 'Server' tab, vælg'Ændre Adgangskode'valgmulighed. Derfra af kan du indtaste den nye adgangskode som du ønsker at bruge og bekræfte den.

Ændre Adgangskode

Hvis du har nogle problemer, så venligst tjek Journal tab på MT4 handelsterminalen for at se om der vises fejl.

Hvordan opretter jeg en MT4/MT5 Investor adgangskode?

En investor adgangskode gør det muligt for brugeren at se handelsaktivitet, men giver ingen adgang til at åbne/lukke eller ændre nogen handel. Det er hovedsageligt en 'læs kun' adgang.
Når først du er logget ind på platformen med din hovedadgangskode, venligst gå til Værktøjer>Valgmulighederog under 'Server' tab, vælg'Ændre Adgangskode' valgmulighed. Derfra kan du vælge 'Ændre Investor (læs kun) adgangskode'

Ændre Investor

Hvad er MT4 historik center?

Du kan få adgang til historik diagrams data på din MT4 platform gennem Historik Center ved at gå til Værktøjer>Historik Center eller vælg F2.
Mængden af historik data tilgængeligt, er afhængig af den tidsramme du vælger, eftersom der er et maximal antal af bar data tilgængelig for hver tidsramme (ca. 2050 optegnelser) ).
F.eks. hvis du vælger en lille tidsramme (f.eks. 1M) modtager du kun data for en eller to dage.
Du kan downloade mere data, det er dog taget fra metaquotes serveren.

How to download trading platforms?

  1. After you register and log into FxPro Direct, you will see the relevant platform links conveniently displayed on your 'Accounts' page, next to each account number. From there you can directly install desktop platforms, open webtrader, or install mobile apps.
  2. Alternatively, from the main website, go to “All Tools” section and open the “Download Centre”.
  3. Scroll down to see all the platforms available. Several types of terminals are provided: for the desktop, web version and mobile application.
  4. Select your operating system and click “Download”. The platform upload will start automatically.
  5. Run the setup program from your computer and follow the prompts by clicking “Next”.
  6. After the installation is complete, you can log in with the specific account details that you received on your email after the trading account registration at FxPro Direct. Now your trading with FxPro can begin!

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cTrader Platform

Hvordan lukker jeg en position på cTrader?

For at lukke en position, klik på ‘Afslut’ ikonet på ‘Handels View’ vinduet i bunden af cTrader skærmen. Fra ‘Handels View’ vinduet kan du vælge en enkel ordre eller afslut alle åbne positioner ved at klikke ‘Afslut alle’.
Du kan anvende HurtigHandel indstillingerne for at vælge om denne er deaktiveret eller om enkelt-klik eller dobbelt-klik handel er aktiveret.

Hvordan logger jeg ind på cTrader platformen?

Your cTrader cTID are sent to you via email once the creation of your account has been confirmed.

cTID allows access to all FxPro cTrader accounts (demo & live) using only one login and password.

As default, your cTID email will be the registered email address of your profile, and you can change the password to your own preference.

Once logged in with the cTID, you will be able to switch between any FxPro cTrader accounts registered under your profile.

Hvordan opretter jeg en ny ordre i cTrade?

Der er flere forskellige måder at oprette en ny ordre på i cTrader.

Du kan trykke påF9 for at bringe ‘Opret Ordre’vinduet frem og klik på ikonet over viewlisten på venstresiden af platformen. Du kan også klikke på alle instrumenter i 'Viewliste' vælg ‘Ny Order’ ikon, eller opret en ordre direkte fra Køb eller Sælg ikonerne:

Køb og Sælg ikonerne

Køb og sælg ikonerne er også tilgængelige på alle diagrammer du har åbnet:


Hvis du ikke har 'HurtigHandel'indstillinger aktiveret, vil et nyt vindue vise sig, som vil tillade dig at oprette en ny markedsordre, begrænse ordre eller stoppe ordre, for at vælge det instrument du ønsker at handle med og for at sætte stop-tab eller tag-profit niveauer:

Marked Order
Bemærk: Hvis du ønsker at åbne og lukke handel med enkelt eller dobbeltklik, direkte fra diagrammet og viewlist, er det nødvendigt at du indstiller dette i indstillingerne.

Hvordan opretter jeg en ventende ordre?

Du kan oprette en ventende ordre via‘Opret Order’ vinduet. På ‘Opret Order’ boksen, vælg ‘Begræns Order’ eller ‘Stop Order’og vælg dit symbol, begræns pris, volumen eller udløbsdato og tid, sæt stop-tab og tag-profit niveauer og klik ‘Sælg’ eller ‘Køb’.

Du kan også oprette ventende ordre via Markeds Dybde eller ved at højreklikke på diagrammet.

Hvordan ændrer eller sletter jeg en ventende ordre i cTrade?

Skulle behovet for at ændre eller slette ventende ordre du har oprettet opstå, klik på‘Ordre’ tab i ‘Handels View’ vinduet. Dette vil bringe alle ventende ordre frem. Højreklik på den ordre du ønsker at ændre eller slette, for at få valgmuligheden for enten at ændre eller slette ordre. Hvis du klikker på‘Ændre’, vil et nyt vindue vise sig, som vil tillade dig at ændre på parametrene på dine ventende ordre. Hvis du klikker på ‘Slet’vil din ordre automatisk blive fjernet fra listen.

Hvordan kan jeg indstille enkeltklik eller dobbeltklik handel?

På cTrader platformen, klik på indstillinger ikonet i nederste venstre hjørne, og vælg 'HurtigHandel' tab. Herfra af, kan du vælge om du ønsker 'enkelt-klik' eller 'dobbelt-klik' handel.
Hvis du har hurtig handel indstillinger 'Deaktiver', betyder det, at du får en pop-op-boks for at bekræfte alle handelsaktioner.
Du kan også konfigurer standard SL/TP og markeds intervals indstillinger for alle ordretyper fra dette vindue.

Klik Handel

Hvordan bliver cTrader kommissionsgebyrer udregnet

cTrader spænd begynder så lavt som 0 på skalaen, og kommissionen er 3.50 per parti af basisvalutaen af parhandel. Dette bliver opkrævet når du går ind og når du ud af handlen.
Du kan bruge cTrader kommissionsregnemaskinen nederst for at udregne kommission for forskellige handel:
As standard, kommissionen er beregnet til $35 per $1million USD handlet.
For eksempel- Hvis du handler 1 parti (100kr.) for EUR/USD, bliver kommissionen €3.50 når du åbner, og når du lukker handelen (€7 i alt).
Metal eksempler- (numre af oz X MP) / 1,000,000 X 35 = Envejs kommission

What is a ctrader ID (cTID) and how can I create one?

Your cTrader (cTID) will be created and sent to you via email once the creation of your account has been confirmed.

cTID allows access to all FxPro cTrader accounts (demo & live) using only one login and password.

When logged in with the cTID, your cTrader account(s) will automatically become linked, and you will also have access to extra features that the cTID provides, such as:

  • Custom watchlists
  • Email alerts
  • Price alerts
  • Workspaces

Note: The cTID is seperate from your FxPro account login details and is something offered by Spotware directly. You can read more about it here

Hvordan kan jeg downloade en cBot eller bruger indikator på cTrader?

Du har mulighed for at downloade yderligere indikatorer/cBot´er via cTDN hjemmesiden: https://ctdn.com/algos/indicators - https://ctdn.com/algos/cbots
Du kan også klikke på indikator ikonet på alle cTrader diagrammer og vælge 'flere indikatorer'

flere indikatorer

Når du klikker på download fra hjemmesiden, vil du hurtigt kunne installere den automatisk på cTrader platformen.

Hvordan ved jeg om min cBot fungerer korrekt?

Hvis du kører cBot´er på din cTrader platform, vil du være i stand til at se en liste af tilknyttede cBot´ er i nederste venstre hjørne af diagrammet. En‘Stop’ ikon vil nu komme frem, hvis din cBot kører korrekt.
Hvis du kører cBot´er i 'Automatisk' tab, vil du være i stand til at se en liste af aktive forekomster under hver cBot på cBot listen. En ‘Stop’ ikon vil også komme frem ved siden af kørende forekomster.
Når først din cBot kører, kan du tjekke ‘Journal’ og ‘cBot Log’ tab for at se om systemet rapporterer fejl.

Kan jeg teste min cBot før jeg bruger den live?

Ja, du kan efterteste præstationen af din cBot via historik data på cTrader platform. For at gøre dette, skal du navigere til din 'Automatiske'Sektion af platformen, klik på pilen ved siden af din cBot, og vælg ‘tilføj et eksempel’. Naviger til ‘Eftertest’ tab og sæt dine foretrukne eftertest parametre før kørsel.
Når du først er glad for din cBot, kan du teste det i live handelsforhold ved at bruge den på din demokonto.

Kan jeg bruge mere end en cBot på samme tid?

Ja, du kan bruge flere cBot´er samtidig og på det samme diagram. Når først du har tilføjet dem til dit diagram, vil du se en separat boks for hver af dem nederst i venstre hjørne af diagrammet. .

flere cBot´er

Hvordan stopper jeg en cBot som jeg har oprettet på min cTrater platform?

For at fjerne en cBot fra cTrader, klik på ‘Stop’ ikonet. Eksempler kan fjernes fra diagrammet i cTrader eller fra‘Eksempler’ listen i 'Automatisk' tab.

Vil min cBot forsætte med at virke efter jeg lukker cTrater platformen?

For at din cBot´er handler for dig, skal din enhed køre med cTrader terminal åben. Lukker du din cTrader terminal vil det forårsage at dine cBot´er stopper med at handle.

Du kan abonnere på FxPro VPS (Virtual Private Server) for at din cBot´er forsætter med at handle døgnet rundt, uanset om din cTrader terminal er åben eller om din computer kører.

Hvor kan jeg finde min kontobalance og handelshistorik?

Din kontobalance og handelshistorik kan findes i ‘Handels View’vinduet i bunden af din cTrader skærm. .

  • Positions tab: viser din nuværende balance, aktiver, margen, fri margen, margenniveau og realiseret profit og tab. .
  • Ordre tab: viser nuværende ventende ordre
  • Historik tab: viser din fuldstændige ordrehistorik.

Hvordan opretter jeg en cTrader handelsopgørelse?

Du kan overføre din handelshistorik fra ‘Handels View’ vinduet. Åben ‘Historik’ tab, højreklik indenfor listen af tidligere ordre, og vælg ‘Opret Opgørelse for at oprette en handelshistorik rapport som et HTML dokument, eller vælg ‘Overfør til Excel’ for at oprette handelshistorik rapport som en Excel fil.

Hvordan installerer du cTrader computer platform?

Du kan downloade cTrader computer platform via linket forneden fra vores hjemmeside : https://www.fxpro.com/trading-platforms/ctrader
Desværre er en MAC version ikke tilgængelig på nuværende tidspunkt, men vi tilbyder encTrader webhandel som du kan få adgang til:
For system krav og understøttede browsere du kan referere til spotware hjælpeside.
Hvis du modtager fejlmelding når du forsøger at installere den, er det oftest på grund af firewall/antivirus der blokerer eller begrænser download. Venligst deaktiverer firewall/antivirus midlertidigt og forsøg igen med download fra platform.

Hvordan afinstallerer jeg cTrader platformen?

Når du afinstallerer cTrader fuldstændigt, er der også temp mapper som du må slette for succesfuldt at fjerne den. Venligst følg instruktionerne forneden for fuldstændigt at fjerne den fra din PC PC:

Afinstaller cTrader via kontrol panelet, derefter:
- Under Dokumenter fjern cTrader og cAlgo - Under ''C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/'' fjern: - Fxpro-cAlgo - FxPro-cTrader - FxPro-cTraderUsers
- Under ''C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Apps/2.0/'' slet denne mappe
Så kan du fortsætte med at downloade forfra.

How to download trading platforms?

  1. After you register and log into FxPro Direct, you will see the relevant platform links conveniently displayed on your 'Accounts' page, next to each account number. From there you can directly install desktop platforms, open webtrader, or install mobile apps.
  2. Alternatively, from the main website, go to “All Tools” section and open the “Download Centre”.
  3. Scroll down to see all the platforms available. Several types of terminals are provided: for the desktop, web version and mobile application.
  4. Select your operating system and click “Download”. The platform upload will start automatically.
  5. Run the setup program from your computer and follow the prompts by clicking “Next”.
  6. After the installation is complete, you can log in with the specific account details that you received on your email after the trading account registration at FxPro Direct. Now your trading with FxPro can begin!

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FxPro Edge

Hvordan logger jeg på FxPro Edge handelsplatform?

Du kan logge på FxPro Edge ved at navigere til https://edge.fxpro.co.uk og indtaste din Direkte profil legimitationsoplysninger.


Hvis du har flere kontoer, kan du vælge hvilken en du vil anvende på næste skærmbillede.


Du kan skifte til en anden konto ved at klikke på øverste højre rullemenu.


Hvordan placerer jeg en ny ordre?

Der er flere forskellige måder at placer en ny ordre på:

  1. Via diagrammet
    • Højreklik på diagrammet
    • Klik på 'Opret Ny Ordre'

      Create Order
    • Den Nye Ordre diagram vil vise sig. Her kan du justere på parametrene på den position du ønsker at åbne.

      Create Order

  2. Via Opret Ordre Knapperne

    Create Order

  3. Via Ordre felterne på din viewliste (Ved 1-klik handel er aktiveret)

    Create Order

Hvordan lukker jeg en position på FxPro Edge?

For manuelt at lukke en åben position, må du først lokalisere ordren på Positioner/Ordre widget. Du kan enten klikke på ´Luk Ordre´ knappen (Ved 1-klik handel aktiveres) eller dobbeltklik på ordren og luk den fra det diagram som viser sig.

Close Position

Close Position

Hvis du har sat gyldige stop-tab eller tag-profit niveauer, vil din ordre blive lukket når markedsprisen når en af de niveauer som du har specificeret.

Alle lukkede positioner vil kunne ses på 'Historik' widget

Hvordan placerer jeg en ventende ordre på FxPro Edge?

En ventende ordre er en instruktion om at åbne en position når et instrument når en vis pris foruddefineret af dig. Du kan placere en ventende ordre via hoved `Ordre` dialogboksen ved at vælge ´Begræns´ eller ´Stop´ tabs. Boksen vil derefter sætte dig i stand til at sætte begræns pris og udløbsdato/tidspunkt for ventende ordre.

Pending Order 1

Bemærk at Køb stop & Sælg begrænsninger skal placeres under den nuværende markedspris.

Alternativt kan du øjeblikkeligt placere en ventende ordre ved at højreklikke på diagrammet.

Pending Order 2

Hvorfor er Ændre positionsknappen gråtonet når jeg forsøger at sætte SL/TP på en eksisterende ordre?

Dette kan være fordi du har placeret dine stop-tab eller tag-profit niveauer for tæt på nuværende markedspris. Alternativt kan det også betyde at du har sat disse niveauer på den forkerte side af nuværende pris.

Venligst bemærk at for korte positioner (sælg ordre) skal stop-tab sættes højere end den nuværende markedspris og tag-profit niveauer skal sættes lavere end den nuværende markedspris.

Du kan se minimum stop niveauer for hver platform på symbol specifikationerne: https://www.fxpro.com/trading/forex

Kan jeg tilføje brugerdefinerede indikatorer eller EA´er på FxPro Edge?

FxPro Edge understøtter ikke brugerdefinerede indikatorer eller EA´er i øjeblikket. Vi søger at understøtte dette på fremtidige udgivelser.

Hvordan kan jeg tilføje flere widgets til mit arbejdsområde?

Du kan tilføje flere widgets for at tilpasse dit arbejdsområde ved at klikke på '+' knappen på sidebaren. Widgets kan flyttes rundt, omplaceres og ændres i størrelsen.


Kan jeg se hvor godt jeg har handlet?

Du kan se din konto præstationer ved at klikke på enten:
a) Top baren
b) 'Konto Præstation' ikon på sidebaren

Account Performance

How to download trading platforms?

  1. After you register and log into FxPro Direct, you will see the relevant platform links conveniently displayed on your 'Accounts' page, next to each account number. From there you can directly install desktop platforms, open webtrader, or install mobile apps.
  2. Alternatively, from the main website, go to “All Tools” section and open the “Download Centre”.
  3. Scroll down to see all the platforms available. Several types of terminals are provided: for the desktop, web version and mobile application.
  4. Select your operating system and click “Download”. The platform upload will start automatically.
  5. Run the setup program from your computer and follow the prompts by clicking “Next”.
  6. After the installation is complete, you can log in with the specific account details that you received on your email after the trading account registration at FxPro Direct. Now your trading with FxPro can begin!

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Hvad er CFD?

Kontrakter for Difference (CFD´er) er deriverende instrumenter, som tillader handlende at spekulere på ændret værdier af en værts underliggende aktiver, uden at skulle tage ejerskab af dem. I en kontrakt for difference, accepterer en køber og sælger, at sælgeren vil, ved kontraktens udløb, betale køberen differencen på værdien af aktiverne fra det tidspunkt kontrakten blev aftalt til værdien på dem på det tidspunkt den udløber. Hvis differencen er negativ, må køberen i stedet betale forskellen til sælgeren. Ved handel af CFD´er, vil den handlende købe (eller gå højt), når der beregnes en stigning, og sælge (gå lavt), når der beregnes et tab i værdi.

Hvordan læses et valutapar?

Forex Currencies are traded in pairs. Each currency is presented as a three letter abbreviation and is usually separated from the currency it is paired with a space, a point, or a slash. For instance, EUR/USD refers to the Euro US Dollar currency pair. The first currency in the pair is known as the base currency. The second currency in the pair is known as the quote or term currency. The value of the pair is defined by how much of the quote currency is required to purchase a single unit of the base currency. So if EUR/USD is currently trading at 1.31 then this means that $1.31 is required to purchase €1.

Hvilke spænd tilbyder I?

Vi tilbyder konkurrence flydende spænd på alle vores platforme. På MT4/MT5 kontoer bliver du kun opkrævet for spænd når du handler på et instrument. Der er ingen kommission.

På cTrader konto er spænd meget lavere (fra 0 på større FX par), men der bliver opkrævet gebyr for hver handel. (opkræves $35 per $1million USD).

Vi tilbyder også en MT4 Fastlagt spændkonto, som har fastlagte spænd på de 7 større FX par

Hvorfor er min ventende ordre ikke blevet udført?

Hvis den ventende ordre ikke er blevet udført, kan det være fordi du ikke havde nok midler til at åbne positionen, da den ventende ordre blev aktiveret. Hvis dette er tilfældet, vil den slettede, ventende ordre blive vist på din kontos historik.
Alternativt, kan det være at dine ventende ordre ikke er blevet udført, fordi den specificerede pris ikke er nået. Venligst bemærk, at for ventende Sælg Ordre, skal bydeprisen nå dit specificeret niveau; for ventende Købe Ordre, skal den anmodede pris nå dit specificeret niveau.

Hvilken kommission opkræves der for handel?

På vores MT4/MT5, FxPro Markeds & Spændsatsningskontoer, kræver vi ikke kommission på nogle af instrumenterne. Du bliver kun opkrævet på det spænd, hvor vi anvender en mindre forhøjet afgift (såvel som ethvert gældende konverteringsgebyr).
På cTrader platformen, når der handles FX & Metals, er der et kommission gebyr på 35USD for hver 1 million USD handlet, når der åbnes en position og 35USD, når der lukkes en position. Midlertidig, er spændene på cTrader lavere end dem på andre kontotyper.

Hvilke instrumenter tilbyder I for handel?

Hos FxPro tilbyder vi CFD´er på Forex, Metals, Futures, Shares, Spot Indices, Spot Energies & Cryptos. Venligst besøg vores hjemmeside for at finde flere oplysninger om hver aktiv:


Tilbyder I kryptovalutaer?

We offer CFDs on a several different cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, BitcoinCash, Ripple and many more.

You can see more details and trading conditions on the following link:


Please note that Cryptocurrencies are not available to retail clients under FxPro UK Ltd.

Do you offer guaranteed stop loss?

A stop-loss order may serve as an additional risk minimisation strategy. However, the requested price of a stop-loss order is never guaranteed. This is because the price at which the stop-loss order is placed serves only as a ‘trigger point’. In the event that the price of the financial instrument being traded reaches the trigger price, your stop-loss order will be treated as a market order and executed at a Volume Weighted Average Price (‘VWAP’) as per the Order Execution Policy. As a result, a stop-loss order may be executed at a worse price. This applies to all 'stop' orders placed on any of our platforms.

Hvor mange decimaler giver I salgstilbud?

Vi giver salgstilbud til alle FX par med et ekstra ciffer, hvilket betyder at det sidste cifre er et 'punkt' og det andensidste til det sidste cifre er et 'Pip'.

Hvad er FxPro´s udførselsmodel?

Vi er en NDD udførelsesmægler som tilbyder CFD´er med 6 underliggende aktiver. Vi tilbyder Markedsudførsel på de fleste af vores kontotyper, men vi tilbyder også en Øjeblikkelig Udførselskonto.

Internt sammensætter vi en del af vores ordrestrøm, og resterende eksponering forbliver internt op til vores markedsrisikosgrænse. Den overskydende eksponering kan derefter sikres eksternt.

Du kan læse mere om vores udførselsmodel på denne side for neden:


Sker der udskridning på jeres platform?

Udskridning er en del af handel og almindelig på forex markedet. Det sker til tider ved høj volatilitet og lav likviditet, såvel som ved store nyhedsannonceringer eller ved frigivelse af vigtige økonomiske data. br>
FxPro tager alle de nødvendige skridt, for at beskytte mod markedsvolatilitet, og vores kunder har fordel af vores højt-avanceret handelsstyringssystem som mindsker risikoen for negativ udskridning, og garanterer udførsel til de bedste tilgængelige priser.

Vi har gode udskridningsstatistikker som du kan tage et kig på her:

Tilbyder I Micro (0,01) Partier?

Ja, Micro Partier er tilgængelig på vores platforme med vores standardkontotype.

Hvilken gearing tilbyder I?

The leverage available to you may differ depending upon your jurisdiction and the instrument/platform you are trading with.

Please follow the link below to find out more information in regards to leverage: https://www.fxpro.com/leverage-information



Hvad er flydende spænd?

Flydende spænd ændrer sig i løbet af dagen, alt efter markedets volatilitet og tilgængelig likviditet. De repræsenterer de bedste bud- og spørgepriser, som vi er i stand til at sikre fra vores likviditetsudbyder. br>
Den største fordel ved flydende spænd er, at du modtager de bedste markedspriser på det tidspunkt du handler, hvilket ofte kan være lavere end når man handler med fastlagte spændkontoer. På den anden side, kan flydende spænd udvide sig betydeligt før og efter højt-indflydelsesrige nyhedsannonceringer og ved høj markeds volatilitet.

Vil jeg få nye salgstilbud?

FxPro MT5 og FxPro cTrader platforme bruger Markeds Udførsel og der er derfor ingen nye salgstilbud.
Du kan dog opleve nye salgstilbud på FxPro MT4´s Øjeblikkelig kontoer ved høj volatilitets markedsforhold. Du kan undgå ny salgstilbud ved at tjekke ‘Standard Afvigelse’ boksen nederst i ‘Ordre’ vinduet, hvilket tillader dig at vælge at sætte pip interval på, som vil være tilgængelig for dig, hvis markedsprisen afviger fra den pris du har afmærket. br>Venligst bemærk, at pop-op vinduet for nye salgstilbud er deaktiveret, når du bruger et-klik handelsfunktioner. Du vil dog høre en lydnotifikation, når der gives nye salgstilbud, alt efter om lydnotifikation er aktiveret. (Værktøjer > Valgmuligheder > Begivenhed), og ny salgstilbud vil blive meddelt i dine log filer inden i kundeterminalen.

Hvad er stop-niveauet?

Margin level (%) is displayed on the trading platform and is calculated as follows: Equity / Margin X 100.

FxPro offers Negative Balance Protection (subject to the FxPro Order Execution Policy) to ensure that clients cannot lose more than their overall investment.

The stop out level is {{percent}}% for all account types.

For cTrader accounts, Spotware’s 'Smart Stop Out' logic will be used.

Hvad er forskellen mellem en stop ordre og en begræns ordre?

Limit and stop orders are often confused with each other as both are pending orders that instruct a broker to open or close a position when an asset’s price reaches a certain level.

Buy limit orders instruct that a position is opened when the market price reaches a level lower than the current price. Sell limit orders instruct that a position is opened when the market price reaches a level that is higher than the current market price. Conversely, buy stop orders are entered above the current market price and sell stops are entered below the current price.

Bear in mind that pending Limit orders are executed with ‘Limit Execution’, meaning you will receive your requested price or better, whereas Stop orders are executed with ‘Market Execution’, meaning that the trade is executed at VWAP.

Vil min EA/cBot fortsætte med at virke efter jeg lukker platformen?

For at din EA´er kan handle for dig, må din enhed kører med din MT4/cTrader terminal åben. Nedlukning af din terminal vil forårsage at din EA´er/cBot´er stopper med at handle.
Du kan abonnere på FxPro VPS(Virtual Private Server) for at have EA´er/cBot´er handel døgnet rundt, uanset om din MT4/cTrader terminal er åben eller om din computer kører.

Hvordan udregnes bytning?

Swap is calculated by taking the difference between the respective interest rates in the currency pair being traded and adding FxPro's commission fee for rolling over the position to the next trading day. The result can either be positive or negative depending on the instrument.

Swap is calculated and charged once every weekday, however, to account for weekends, a triple charge will take place on Wednesday for FX & metals, and on Friday for other instruments.

Swap fee for FX= Pip value X swap value in points] / 10

Swap fee for Non-FX instruments= Lot size X Swap Value X Number of nights.

For Shares and Cryptos, the swap fee is displayed as an annual percentage. Therefore the calculation is slightly different.

Swap fee for Shares= No.Of Nights X No.Of Shares X Share Last Price X Annual Percentage charge / 360

Swap fee for Cryptos= number of coins x Crypto last price x Annual Percentage charge / 360

We have a useful Swap calculator you can use to estimate the Swap incurred on trades: https://www.fxpro.com/trading-tools/calculators/swap

Examples: If you buy 100 (hundred) shares of Apple Inc (AAPL.O) at the price of $140 and hold them for one night at an annual rate of -2.8597 %, the charge will be -$1.11.

If you are short 2.0 lots (200k) of EURUSD for 2 nights, and the swap fee in points is -0.5739 then the swap charge will be -$2.29 ($20 pip value X -0.5739 X 2 nights /10 )

What is leverage?

Leverage affects the funds required to place a position, multiplying your buying power, allowing you to open a position larger than your deposit. Leverage requires you to post collateral with us in the form of margin and the higher the leverage the less the required margin to open a position of equivalent value or for the same initial margin you can open much larger positions.

Initial margin Leverage Buying Power (units)
$1,000 1:1 $1,000
$1,000 1:10 $10,000
$1,000 1:33 $33,000

Leverage can be expressed either as a Ratio, or in a % format. Both are displayed on our website for easy understanding.

For example, saying you have leverage 1:20 is the same as saying you are required to have a margin that is only 5% of the overall value of the trade.

Excessive use of leverage can of course be very risky because it can magnifies your P&Land this can lead to large losses which can lead to stop out, the automatic closing of your position. This is because your collateral available to sustain potential losses and not fall below the ‘maintenance margin’ required so that your position is not liquidated, is much less as a % of the position when using higher leverage.

Also note that higher leverage increases the effect of spread and Swap fees as a % on your invested capital. For example if the spread on an instrument as a % is 0.1% and you open a trade with 20 times leverage the spread cost as a % on your deposited margin will be 2%.


With leverage 1:5 you would need to deposit EUR 20,000 to open 1 lot of EURUSD (100,000) , while at leverage 1:30 you could open the same trade with only EUR 3,333.

Please refer to the margin calculator, https://www.fxpro.com/trading-tools/calculators/all-in-one. Here you can test how much of your margin will be needed to open a trade at different leverages and with different lot sizes

What is VWAP?

VWAP stands for ‘Volume Weighted Average Price’ and applies to market execution orders

If the requested volume is not available all at the same price, the order will automatically execute the maximum volume at the best available price, and then the remaining volume at the next best price and so forth. An average of all these prices is then taken, which is the price the order will execute at (the VWAP).

All stop orders, once triggered, are subject to ‘Market Execution’ which means that FxPro will automatically aggregate all available liquidity at the best possible prices and fill your stop orders at first available VWAP. The VWAP price may be on, above, or below your requested price.

Please see the relevant section of our Order Execution policy: Market Execution Order Market order is the intention to either buy or sell at the current market price, subject to the liquidity available. In the event, there is not enough liquidity at the top of the book to fill a Client’s market order, the system will automatically aggregate the volume received from third party liquidity/ price provider(s) and execute the market order at the ‘Volume-Weighted Average Price’ (‘VWAP’), subject to the liquidity available at the time of the execution.


Depth of Market for EURUSD

The image above shows a snapshot of the Depth of Market for EURUSD.

The right hand side shows ASK prices (price at which you buy)

The left hand side shows BID prices (price at which you sell)

Each tier displays the volume available at each price tier. For example, a trade of 2.50 lots or lower, would receive the top of the book price (the first row of prices). And for trade size above this, the overall price would be calculated according to the price tiers and volumes available at each.

For example, lets say we want to Sell 8 lots (800k units of EUR). The order will be executed as follows:

250,000 * 1.16520 = 291,300

500,000 * 1.16519 = 582,595

50,000 * 1.16518 = 58,259

You then add up all the tiers = 932,154 and divide by your trade size in units

932,154 / 800,000 = 1.16519 (rounded to 5 decimal places)

What is a market order?

A ‘Market Order’ applies to the MT4 Market, cTrader, MT5 & FxPro platforms and dictates that you want to enter the market at the current market price, no matter what that may be. Market Orders are filled at VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price), meaning that you may receive a price above, below or on the price you saw when you executed the order.

Market Execution is also applied to all ‘Stop’ orders across all of our platforms. (Stop losses, Stop outs & pending stop orders).

Because different LPs will have different prices and available liquidity, the available volume is tiered and large orders may be executed at a non-‘top of the book’ price. Top of the book means the best Bid / Ask prices are streamed in the platform. The Market Depth however is much more complex than this and Market Execution accounts for this. Please refer to our ‘What is VWAP?’ question for further information.

What is a Stop Loss order?

A ‘Stop Loss’ order is used to limit losses, or potentially to take a profit after a loss.

It can be attached to an order at the time of opening, or you can modify a position and add a stop loss at a later time. It can also be attached to a Pending Order.

A Stop Loss must be placed below the current market price on Buy positions, and above the current market price on Sell positions.

All Stop orders, which include Stop Losses, are executed with ‘Market Execution’, which means that once the order is triggered, it is filled at the current market price at that time (VWAP).

The VWAP can be on, above or below the requested price.

This means that especially during times of high volatility, you may receive a much different price than your specified stop level, which is referred to as ‘Negative Slippage’.

What is a Take Profit order?

A ‘Take Profit’ order is used to lock in profits at a specified price, or potentially to limit further losses after a substantial gain.

It can be attached to an order at the time of opening, or you can modify a position and add a take profit at a later time. It can also be attached to a Pending Order.

A Take Profit must be placed above the current market price on Buy positions, and below the current market price on Sell positions.

All ‘Limit’ orders, which includes Take Profit, are executed with ‘Limit Execution’, which means that you will receive your requested price or better. At the time your Take profit is triggered, if a price exists in the market which is in your favour, FxPro will fill you at the better price.

It is not possible therefore, to receive a worse price on a ‘Limit’ order such as Take Profit.

Take profits on long positions will be triggered for execution once the ‘BID’ price reaches your take profit level. Take profits on short positions will be triggered for execution once the ‘ASK’ price reaches your take profit level.

What is a Stop Out?

A ‘Stop Out’ is a triggering of a forced automatic closing of a trader's positions in case that person's trading account equity falls below a certain threshold.

Margin level is displayed on the platform as a % anytime you have open positions, and is calculated as: Equity / Initial Margin *100

Equity means the balance + unrealised P&L in each trading account and does not include any balance in your FxPro Wallet.


The Stop Out level is 50%, depending on your jurisdiction. This means that once your Equity falls to a value equal to 50% of your initial margin, stop out(s) will begin to occur.

So, with an initial deposit of $1000, and an initial margin of $100, you are left with a Free Margin of $900. If losses reach $900, you will have 0 Free Margin remaining, and your margin level % at this time would be 100% (100 equity / 100 Initial margin = 100%). If losses continue and eventually reach $950, the 50% Stop out would be triggered. (50 equity / 100 used margin = 50%)

Now that we have explained how the stop out is applied, let’s see an example at which price you would be stopped out.

You open a Buy position of 100 barrels of Brent Oil (0.1 lot) at a price of $55 per barrel. This position is using a leverage of 10 times (1:10) and you started with $600 in your account.

Initial margin is 1/10= 10% of the exposure. The exposure, in this case, is 100 barrels times 55= $5,500. So, your initial margin is 550, leaving $50 free margin.

The price starts to fall, and we want to find out at what price Equity will be equal to 50% of initial margin. To do this, we need to calculate the price at which our loss will be 50% of 550 = 275, plus the free margin because as we explained in previous example above, losses are first used against free margin. So, the total loss would be 325 or 3.25 per barrel since our position is 100 barrels. When the price drops by 3.25 and reaches (50-3.25) $46.75, that is the BID price, you will be stopped out.

Stop Outs help to prevent trading accounts from falling into a negative balance, however, in very volatile markets, or during market gaps, it is not always possible to fill orders at a specific level and there might be significant slippage when Stop out orders are executed.

How can I show the ASK price on the platform?

As default, price charts are built using the BID price, however, it is the ASK price (the higher price) at which Sell order closures are triggered or buy positions are opened.

You can add the current ask price to the chart on all our platforms if it is not already shown as default.

On MT4 and MT5 go to Charts >Properties and tick the box to ‘Show Ask line’.

On cTrader, right click in the chart and go to ‘Viewing Options’ and tick the ‘Ask Price line’ option.

On the FxPro App, the Ask price appears as default

What is slippage?

Slippage refers to instances where the executed price differs from your requested price. I.e. the price ‘slipped’.

Slippage occurs when your Market Order is triggered and filled at a price different to that which you have requested. The difference may only be minimal, or it could be significant. Price Gaps and increased volatility can result in substantial slippage in some cases.

This is a normal market practice and a regular feature of the foreign exchange markets under conditions such as illiquidity and volatility due to news announcements, economic events and market openings. The slippage can be positive or negative. Slippage can also occur when larger orders are partly executed at tier 2 or even Tier 3 prices (see question What is VWAP).

Although we are not required to do so, we publish our Execution Statistics every year on our website: https://www.fxpro.com/pricing/model


You have a long (buy) position of 1000 barrels (1lot) of WTI prior to market closing at price $50.00, and you set a take profit at price $50.50 and a stop loss order at $49.5.

However, due to significant news reports over the weekend, at the market opening on Monday, WTI opens with an upward gap at price $51.

Therefore, your take profit order will be triggered once the market reopens (as the price has moved above your take profit level), at the price of $51.00, and will be executed at this price or better.

This is how market gaps and slippage may cause more profit or loss than anticipated and why stop orders such as ‘stop losses’ are never guaranteed to be executed at your requested price.

What is Spread?

The difference between the Bid and Ask prices is the ‘Spread’, which is what you pay to the broker in return for placing the order through them.

Therefore, you will notice that trades start in a minus figure, as you need to cover the spread before you begin make profit.

Let’s demonstrate this using an example. You buy 1 lot of EURUSD at $1.0700 the bid and ask prices were $1.0698 and $1.0700. When you buy, you get the Ask price. The price moves in your favour by 5 pips making the new Bid and Ask prices $1.0703 and $1.0705. You close the trade by selling at the new Bid price of $1.0703, making 3 pips profit which equals $30.

The reason that in this example your profit is less by $20, is due to the fact that you have been charged a 2pips spread.

Let’s take another example using GOLD, which is denominated in USD. You decide to Sell (short) 100oz (1 lot) when the bid and ask prices were 1600.50 and 1601.00. As this is a sell position, it is opened at the Bid price of 1600.50. The price then moves down in your favour by 0.50, making the new bid and ask prices 1600.00 and 1600.50. You close the trade by buying at the new Ask price of 1600.50.

In this case, even though the price moved in your direction, you were charged the spread and your order was opened and closed at the exact same price (1600.50), meaning that your Profit or Loss is equal to 0.

Spreads are typically floating and fluctuate depending on liquidity and volatility. Volatility is affected by Liquidity and vice-versa.

What do I do if I have a question or enquiry regarding one of my trades?

If you would like to check any orders, please send an email to [email protected] from your registered email address with your account number and the order number of the trade, and we will check your enquiry and get back to you as soon as possible.

You can find the order number in your trade account tab or history tab.

Why has my pending order been executed or Stop loss/take profit triggered when the price has not reached the specified price?

Bear in mind that Buy positions are opened at the Ask price (and closed at the Bid price), whereas Sell positions are opened at the Bid price (and closed at the Ask price).

Therefore, stop losses, take profits and pending orders need to be triggered by the Bid or Ask price displayed on the price chart before being executed.

The Ask price is always higher than the Bid price as it includes the FxPro spread. Therefore, you need to take into account the spread at the time the order was triggered.

For example, if you opened a sell trade on EURUSD at 1.15700 and placed a stop loss of 1.15750, it means your stop loss will be triggered when the Ask price reaches 1.15750. So, if the spread at the time is 1.5ips, you may see your order closed when the price in the chart is only at 1.12735.

The price charts display BID prices by default. If you cannot see the current ASK price in your platform, please refer to our FAQ: How can I show the ASK price on the platform?

What is liquidity?

Liquidity, in simple terms is the ability to trade (buy and sell) an instrument and is considered good when there are many market participants interested in Buying and Selling the instrument at any volume. The easier it is to sell or buy the instrument at any given volume, the better the liquidity.

The more liquid an instrument, the tighter the spread usually, as the market participants compete to get the best prices. When there is low liquidity, the pricing is generally more erratic, and the spreads may be higher due to lower demand for the instrument.

What is Swap (rollover)?

Since every currency trade involves borrowing one currency to buy another, interest rollover charges are part of forex trading.

Interest is paid on the currency that is borrowed, and earned on the one that is bought. Swap may be positive or negative and applies whenever you leave a trade open overnight.

If you are buying a currency with a higher interest rate than the one you are borrowing, then the net interest rate differential will be positive and you will earn funds as a result. Conversely, if the interest rate differential is negative then you will be charged.

Swap also applies to non-FX instruments, due to the fact that all instruments are traded in particular currency which incurs an interest rate.

On the platforms, ’swap’ is automatically converted into the balance currency. The Operation is conducted at midnight server time (10pm UK time) and will only be charged/gained if you have an open trade at this time.

the swap is calculated and charged once every weekday, however, to account for weekends, a triple charge will take place on Wednesday for FX & metals, and on Friday for other instruments. FxPro Swap rates are in line with the Banks and are reviewed and updated on a weekly basis by the Execution department.

The up-to-date swap lists can be viewed at any time on our website in the instrument specifications or via the trading terminals.


Er det muligt at tabe flere penge end man giver i depositum?

FxPro offers Negative Balance Protection (NBP) for all clients, regardless of their categorisation & jurisdiction, thereby ensuring that you cannot lose more than your total deposits.

For more details please refer to our ‘Order Execution Policy’.

FxPro also provides a stop out level, which will cause trades to be closed when a certain margin level % is reached. The stop-out level will depend on the account type and jurisdiction under which you are registered.

How do you keep Clients funds safe?

FxPro tager sikkerheden af kunders midler meget seriøst. Af den grund, er alle kunders midler fuldstændig adskilt fra virksomhedens egne midler og opbevaret på separate bankkonti i store Europæiske banker. Dette sikrer, at kunders midler ikke kan bruges til andre formål.

Desuden er FxPro UK Limited medlem af Kompensationsordningen For Finansielle Tjenester (FSCS) og FxPro Financial Services Limited er medlem af Investerings Kompensationsfonden (ICF).

Hvilke metoder kan jeg bruge til at indbetale midler på mine FxPro kontoer?

We offer a wide range of payment methods, all with 0 fees from FxPro. These include Bank Wire transfers, Credit/Debit cards, PayPal, Neteller, Skrill, and many more local options tailored to your country and jurisdiction.

You can check all available payment methods and based on your location directly in your login area or via this link:

Please note that you must withdraw via the same method used to fund your account.

Hvad er FxPro Wallet?

FxPro Wallet er et personligt risikostyringsværktøj, der virker som en hoved konto, hvorfra du kan overføre penge til alle dine handelskontoer med et par få klik. Hovedfordelen ved at indbetale midler på din FxPro Wallet, i stedet for at finansiere dine kontoer direkte, er at dine indbetalingsmidler, er fuldstændig beskyttet fra alle åbne positioner, som du eventuel kunne have på dine handelskontoer.

Hvordan indbetaler jeg midler på min FxPro Wallet?

Indbetalte midler bliver automatisk krediteret på din FxPro Wallet. Du kan overføre hvilket som helst beløb mellem din FxPro Wallet og dine andre kontoer på hvilket som helst tidspunkt du ønsker. Log ind på din FxPro Direct, vælg 'Indbetal Midler' eller 'Wallet' og vælg foretrukne betalingsmetode.

Venligst se på mere information vedrørende vores tilgængelige betalingsmetoder på dette link:

Hvordan hæver jeg mine midler fra min FxPro Wallet?

Log in to your FxPro Direct and select 'Withdraw’ or 'Wallet'.

Please note that in order for the withdrawal to be successful, you should transfer your funds to your FxPro Wallet.

Kindly note that you must follow our withdrawal policy which instructs that clients must withdraw via the same method used to deposit, unless that method has been fully refunded or refund limits have expired. In this case, you may use bank wire method, or another method previously used to fund (as long as it can accept payments) to withdraw profits.

Hvad er de tilgængelige valutaer for FxPro Wallet?

We offer Wallet currencies in EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, JPY, PLN, AUD and ZAR. Additionally, we also offer NGN, VND, THB, MYR and IDR. (Depending on your jurisdiction)

The currency of your FxPro Wallet should be in the same currency of your deposits and withdrawals in order to avoid conversion fees. Any transfers from your FxPro Wallet to your trading accounts in a different currency will be converted as per the platform rates.

Hvordan overfører jeg midler fra min FxPro Wallet til mine handelskonter?

You can instantly transfer funds between your FxPro Wallet and your trading accounts by logging in to your FxPro Direct and selecting 'Transfer'

Select your Wallet as the source account and the target trading account and enter the amount you wish to transfer.

If your trading account is in a different currency to your FxPro Wallet, a pop-up box will appear with a live conversion rate.

Kan jeg ændre min FxPro Wallet valuta?

For at undgå potentielle konverteringsgebyrer, foretrækkes det, at din FxPro Wallet er i den samme valuta som dine indbetalinger og hævninger.

Hvis du ved en fejl har åbnet din FxPro Wallet i en forkert valuta, venligst kontakt vores Back Office Afdeling på [email protected] for at ændre fejlen.

Hvilke konverteringssatser bruger I?

FxPro kunder har fordel af nogle af de mest konkurrencedygtige konverteringssatser på markedet.
For at indbetale fra en ekstern finansieringskilde (dvs. fra din kreditkort til din Wallet i en anden valuta), og hævninger til en ekstern finansieringskilde (dvs. fra din Wallet til dit kreditkort i en anden valuta), midler vil blive konverteret med daglige banksatser. br>
For at overføre fra din FxPro Wallet til handelskontoer af forskellige valutaer, og modsat, vil konvertering blive gjort med den sats vist på pop-op-skærmen på det tidspunkt du klikker bekræft.

Hvor lang tid tager bankoverførsler og hvad er gebyrerne?

For international bank wire deposits, please allow **3-5 business days** for funds to reflect in your FxPro Wallet. FxPro and our receiving bank do not charge any fees for bank wire deposits; however, other banks involved in the process, such as sending or intermediary banks, may apply their own fees.

We also offer **local banking options** for many countries, providing faster and more efficient processing times. For example:

- **GBP Transfers (UK)**: Usually reflect **within the same business day**, with no fees from FxPro or our receiving bank. - **SEPA Transfers (EU)**: Typically reflect **within the same business day**, with minimal fees (usually just a few euros). - **Other Local Banking Methods**: Availability depends on your country, and these are generally also very fast.

You can view all available deposit methods and processing times specific to your country and jurisdiction by logging into your FxPro account.

Hvordan kan jeg hæve midler, hvis det kort der er blevet brugt til at indbetale midler med, er blevet annulleret eller er udløbet?

Efter annullering af et kort, er banker forpligtet til at tillade begrænset transaktionstyper, herunder refunderinger, almindeligvis for mindst 6 måneder. Du skal derfor hæve midler på det kort du har brugt til at indbetale, også selv om kortet er blevet annulleret. Du vil modtage disse midler på dit nye kort, som er forbundet til den samme bankkonto som dit tidligere annullerede kort.

Hvis bankkontoen, som er linket til kortet, er fuldstændig lukket, vil du være nødt til at sende bevis af kontolukning til vores regnskabsafdeling [email protected]

Can I transfer funds between my FxPro Wallet and trading accounts during the weekend?

Yes, as long as the specific trading account you are transferring from does not have any open positions.

If you have an open trade during the weekend, you will be unable to transfer funds from it to your Wallet until the market reopens.

Weekend hours begin on Friday at market closure (22:00 UK time) until Sunday, at market opening (22:00 UK time).

Hvordan kan jeg hæve med bankoverførselsmetoden?

Log ind på din FxPro Direct, vælg 'Hæv Midler' eller 'Wallet' og vælg Bankoverførselsmetoden. Vær opmærksom på, at vi kan kræve en bankudskrift, som bevis på, at du er bankkonto-indehaveren.

Vi vil venligst informere dig om, at ved hævninger gennem bankoverførselsmetoden, skal du først refundere alle dine kreditkort, PayPal og Skrill indbetalinger indenfor de sidste 6 måneder.

Hvor længe skal jeg vente før min hævning kan ses på min bankkonto?

Hævningsanmodninger behandles af vores kundebogføringsafdeling indenfor en arbejdsdag. Midlertidig, vil den tid der behøves for at midlerne er overført variere, afhængig af din betalingsmetode.

Internationale bankoverførselshævninger kan tage op til 3-5 hverdage .

SEPA og lokale bankoverførelser kan tage op til 2 hverdage.

Korthævninger kan tage op til 5-7 hverdage

Alle andre betalingsmetoder for hævninger vil almindeligvis blive modtaget indenfor en arbejdsdag.

Hvor længe tager det at behandle min hævningsanmodning?

Indenfor normale arbejdstimer, behandles hævninger almindeligvis indenfor få timer. Hvis hæve- anmodningen modtages udenfor normale arbejdstider, vil den blive behandlet følgende arbejdsdag.

Venligst bemærk, at selv om kortindbetalinger bliver behandlet med det samme, betyder dette ikke, at midlerne er blevet modtaget på vores bankkonto, idet bank afklaringsprocedure normalt tager nogle dage. Vi kreditere dog din ordre med det samme, for at du kan være i stand til at handle omgående og beskytte dine åbne positioner. I modsætning til indbetalinger, tager hæve processen længere tid.

Hvor længe tager det for mine midler at blive indbetalt på min FxPro konto?

We usually process deposits **within 10 minutes** of receiving them, ensuring your funds are available as quickly as possible. For SEPA and other local banking transfers, deposits typically reflect **within the same business day**, while all other payment methods are also processed in approximately **10 minutes**.

If you wish to check the status of any pending transaction, feel free to contact our **24/5 support team**, who are always ready to assist you.

You can choose to send your deposit to your FxPro Wallet or directly to a trading account of your choice. Please note that all transactions are placed via the Wallet, so **currency conversions may apply** when transferring directly to a trading account in a different currency from your Wallet.

Hvilken metode skal jeg bruge for at hæve?

It is our policy that any recent card deposits should be withdrawn to the card in question first, before refunding to any other method, even if other methods were used for funding. Kindly note that after refunding any cards, PayPal and Skrill deposits should also be refunded. Once all deposits from the above-mentioned payment methods are fully refunded, you will then be able to withdraw via bank wire or another method previously used to fund. (Provided that it can receive payments) The methods that remain to be refunded will be clearly displayed to you in FxPro Direct.

Kræver I nogen form for gebyrer for indbetalinger og hævninger?

FxPro does not charge any fees/commission on deposits/withdrawals, however, you may be subject to fees from other payment providers involved in the transaction, particularly with banks. Please note that for e-wallets, there may be a fee for withdrawals but only if you have not traded. You can see more details on our funding page: https://www.fxpro.com/pricing/deposit-methods


Hvilke valutaer kan jeg bruge til at finansiere min FxPro konto?

Kunder fraFxPro UK Limited kan indbetale med: USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CHF, JPY og PLN.

Kunder fra FxPro Financial Services Limited kan indbetale med: USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CHF, JPY, PLN og ZAR. Indbetalinger med RUB er også tilgængelige, dog vil indbetalinger i RUB blive konverteret til valuta tilsvarende til kundens FxPro Wallet (Vault) ved modtagelse.

Kunder fra FxPro Global Markets Limited kan indbetale med: USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, AUD, PLN, ZAR og JPY Indbetalinger med RUB er også tilgængelige, dog vil indbetalinger med RUB blive konverteret til valuta tilsvarende til kundens FxPro Wallet (Vault) ved modtagelse.

Kunder fra FxPro Global Markets MENA Limited kan indbetale med: USD, GBP og EUR. Indbetalinger med AED er også tilgængelige, dog vil midler indbetalt med AED blive konverteret til valuta tilsvarende til Kundes FxPro Wallet ved modtagelse

Venligst bemærk, at hvis du overfører midler med en anden valuta fra din FxPro Wallet, vil dine midler blive konverteret til din Wallet valuta, ved at bruge konverteringssatsen på det pågældende tidspunkt for transaktionen. Af den grund, forslår vi at du åbner din FxPro Wallet i den samme valuta som du indbetaler og hæver med.

Hvilke kredit-/debetkort accepterer I?

We accept Credit/Debit cards including Visa, Visa Electron, Visa Delta, MasterCard, Maestro International and Maestro UK.

Hvad skal jeg gøre hvis jeg ikke har modtaget min hævning?

Hvis du har foretaget en hæve anmodning via bankoverførsler, og ikke har modtaget dine midler indenfor 5 hverdage, venligst kontakt vores kundebogføringsafdeling på [email protected], og så vil vi give dig en Swift kopi.
Hvis du har foretaget en hæve anmodning med kredit-/debetkort og ikke har modtaget dine midler indenfor 10 hverdage, venligst kontakt vores kundebogføringsafdeling [email protected] og vi vil give dig ARN nummeret.

Hvorfor er mit kredit-/debetkortsindbetalinger blevet afvist?

Der er en del grunde til hvorfor dit kredit-/debetkort kan være blevet afvist. Du har måske oversteget din daglige transaktionsbegrænsning eller overskredet dit tilgængelige kredit-/debet beløb. Alternativt, kan du have indtastet et forkert kortnummer, udløbsdato eller CVV-kode. Af samme grund, venligst bekræft, at disse er korrekte. Få også bekræftet at dit kort er gyldigt og ikke udløbet. Endelig, tjek med din udsteder, at dit kort er autoriseret til online transaktioner og at der ikke er beskyttelse på, som forhindre os i at opkræve fra det. Find more information

How to fund your account

  1. Sign in to FxPro Direct with your email and password.
  2. Open the “Wallet” section and click the “Deposit” button.
  3. Now you can choose from a selection of convenient payment methods. All the deposits and withdrawals are processed with no commissions from the FxPro side.
  4. Choose the method and specify the amount you want to deposit. Then fill out payment details and follow the prompts on screen to confirm the payment.
  5. Once approved, the deposited amount will appear in your FxPro Wallet balance, or the trading account specified, and will be displayed in your Transaction History.
  6. You can now transfer funds to an account and begin trading!

Watch video instruction

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Hvad er FxPro Direct og hvordan kan jeg logge på?

FxPro Direct is your online account management page.

Click on the 'Log In' option on the top right of the website. You can log in with your registered email address and password.
Your FxPro Direct allows you to create new accounts, edit existing ones, fund your accounts and download trading platforms. You may also edit your mailing options or subscriptions.

The ‘Tools’ tab in FxPro Direct gives you access to various services we offer, including the FxPro Dashboard, Economic Calendar, Calculators and FxPro Squawk. These tools can be accessed by all users, including those who are still practising on demo accounts.

Hvordan nulstiller jeg min adgangskode til FxPro Direct?

Du nulstiller din FxPro Direct adgangskode, klik på‘Genopret Adgangskode’i bunden af log ind boksen. Indtast din registreret e-mailadresse og indsend din anmodning. Du vil snarest modtage en link på den e-mailadresse som du har angivet, der vil tage dig til den side, hvor du kan indtaste en ny adgangskode til din konto.

Hvordan uploader jeg dokumenter?

For at uploade dokumenter via FxPro Direct klik på ‘Min Profil’ og vælg ‘Upload Dokumenter’. Klik ‘Browse’ for at åbne et nyt vindue, søg og vælg de dokumenter som du ønsker at uploade, og derefter klik ‘Åben’.

Du vil modtage en notifikation om, at upload er i gang, og en besked om bekræftelse af at dokumenterne er blevet uploadede succesfuldt.

Når først dine dokumenter er blevet uploadede, vil vores Back Office Afdeling få dem tilsendt i den rækkefølge som de er blevet modtaget.

Hvordan ændrer jeg på mine profilinformationer?

To change any of your personal details, please send an email to [email protected]. Bear in mind that for security reasons, we will require an updated proof of residence to be uploaded via FxPro direct for a change in address and a phone verification for a change of email.

Hvordan nulstiller jeg adgangskode på min handelsplatform?

Please log into 'FxPro Direct' and click on Accounts. Next to account number you will see the icon to 'Reset Password'. Once you click on it, system will automatically send email containing a new temporary password.

For cTrader accounts, you can reset the password for your cTID from here: https://id.ctrader.com/reset

Hvordan kan jeg genaktivere min konto?

Please note that live accounts are disabled after 3 months of inactivity, but you may, however, reactivate them by emailing [email protected] with your request. Unfortunately, demo accounts cannot be reactivated, but you may open additional ones via FxPro Direct.

In order to request reactivation, please send an email to [email protected] or contact us on Live Chat.

Hvordan ændrer jeg gearing på min handelskonto?

Log in to FxPro Direct, go to ‘My Accounts’, click on the Pencil icon next to your account number and select ‘Change Leverage’ from the drop-down menu.

Please note that in order for the leverage of your trading account to be changed, all open positions must be closed.

Note: The maximum leverage available to you may vary depending upon your jurisdiction.

Hvordan tilføjer jeg flere midler på min demo konto?

Log in to your FxPro Direct, go to ‘My Accounts’, click on the demo account heading, and select 'Add Funds'. Please select the desired amount (500 – 500,000) and your demo account balance will be instantly updated on your trading platform.

Hvor kan jeg se mine transaktionshistorik?

Log into your FxPro Direct, and you will see your transaction history under the 'Wallet' tab. There is also a filter and an option to 'Export' the transactions.

FxPro App

What is the FxPro App?

The FxPro App is a personal mobile account management space that allows for trading via the app using any FxPro Metatrader 4 or 5 account type. In 2024, we earned a 5* rating from the Investors Chronicle and Financial Times award for our app and its unique features.

  • You can create new accounts, complete the verification process, change passwords, top-up accounts with multiple funding options, withdraw funds etc.
  • The app features detailed charting features provided by TradingView, along with analysis tools and customisation.
  • Market analytics also keep traders up to date on major news with an integrated Economic calendar with alerts, plus real-time push notifications on increased volatility and major market moves.
  • If you have any questions, please get in touch with our 24/5 award-winning support team directly from within the app.

How many trading accounts can I open in the FxPro App?

You can create up to five live trading accounts with different settings in the FxPro App. They can be in different currencies and on various platforms.

Simply select one of the available trading platforms (MT4, MT5, cTrader or the integrated FxPro platform) and choose the preferred leverage and account currency. You can also transfer funds between the accounts using your FxPro Wallet.

For newcomers, FxPro provides comprehensive instructions on how to install the MT4, MT5 and cTrader applications with direct links to AppStore and Google Play.

The number of demo accounts is unlimited. Please note, that if you need additional accounts, you can open them through FxPro Direct Web or by contacting our Customer Service Team.

How can I register on the FxPro App?

If you already have a registered account with FxPro Direct Web, you can download our application for free from Google Play or AppStore and log in with the same details that you use for FxPro Direct Web.

If you have started registering with FxPro Direct Web but haven’t finished, you can continue your registration from where you left off in the FxPro App.

If you haven’t registered an account at FxPro yet, you can download our application for free and go through the registration steps:

STEP 1. Download the FxPro Application from Google Play Market or AppStore. Open it and proceed to “Sign in with email.” Select your country of residence, name, surname, and email. Then create your password.

STEP 2. You then have the option to generate a short passcode to log in. Please note that the passcode will only be valid on the current device you’re using when you log in to the app. For FxPro Web, you should continue to use your log in details that you registered with.

Your FxPro Direct profile is now ready. However, to unlock all the app features, create trading accounts, trade on the integrated platform, and fund your accounts, you have to complete the full registration. This will involve answering a series of questions about your trading experience and uploading digital copies of the required documents (passport/ID card, proof of residence - a Utility bill or bank statement issued in the last 6 months) to verify your profile.

Once your profile is fully verified, you can start trading with FxPro!

Please note that you can also access the Metatrader 4 or 5 platform directly with your account number and password that you received by email.

Please note that the jurisdiction under which your FxPro account will be opened depends on the country of residence. FxPro does not offer Contracts for Difference to residents of certain jurisdictions including the USA, Iran and Canada.

What payment methods are available on the FxPro App?

At the core of the app lies the FxPro Wallet, which keeps your funds from participating in the trading process and safe from market risks. Funds can be transferred in the “Top Up” section of the App.

You can see more information about the specific funding methods available here: https://www.fxpro.com/pricing/deposit-methods

Can I fund my FxPro Wallet using the App?

To start trading with FxPro, you need to top up your FxPro Wallet and then transfer funds to the desired trading account. To do that first open the FxPro App and tap “Top Up” in the toolbar. Tap “Fund Your Account”. Please note that if you haven't verified your account yet, you need to do so before depositing the funds.

The funds will then be credited to your FxPro Wallet balance. You can then transfer the necessary amount (or part of it) to a specific trading account.

NB: The FxPro Wallet balance does not participate in trading processes and is secured from market fluctuations. You can also top up a trading account directly. Select it from the list, or create a new one, if necessary.

  • Tap the “Fund now” button and select any of the available payment methods.
  • Select the FxPro Wallet, currency, payment method and indicate the amount. During this transaction, the deposit currency will be converted into the currency of your account.
  • You will receive a “Successful transaction” email from FxPro’s accounting department with the confirmation of your transfer.

All transactions can be viewed as ‘completed operations’ in the Transaction History tab. To see transactions for a specific account, tap on the upper right corner of the card with the name of your account.

Can I transfer funds using the FxPro App?

Yes, you can. To transfer funds between your accounts (e.g. your FxPro Wallet and a trading account) please follow these steps:

  • Select the “Transfer” button in the “Wallet” section
  • Choose the source and the target account
  • Specify the transfer amount
  • Tap “Transfer”

The transfer between the FxPro Wallet and your trading accounts is instant, and any currency conversions will be conducted using the current rate.

How can I withdraw funds using the FxPro App?

To withdraw funds from your FxPro Wallet please follow these steps:

  • Tap the “Withdrawal” button in the “Wallet” section
  • Specify the amount to withdraw
  • Select a withdrawal method
  • Tap “Withdraw”

    You may also need to follow the steps you see on the screen;

Our Client Accounting Department will receive your request and process it within 1 working day. In the event that a withdrawal request is made within 6 months from the moment of the initial deposit, Credit Card deposits will need to be refunded first, followed by PayPal deposits and then Skrill deposits. Once all deposits made via these three methods are refunded, you will be able to withdraw funds via a Bank transfer or any e-wallet method previously used to deposit. (provided your e-wallet is able to receive payments)

Bear in mind that you need to have funds available in your Wallet for withdrawal. If your funds are located in a Trading account, you will need to transfer them first to your Wallet.

Can I open a trading account using the FxPro App and how?

You can open multiple accounts with different settings and on different FxPro platforms (MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, cTrader etc) using the FxPro app.

To do this, open go to the ''home'' section of the app, select either the Real or Demo tab and then press the + icon in the top right corner to “Create New Account”.

You will select the preferred account type, leverage and base currency and tap “Create”.

Your newly created account will appear in the list of accounts and you can top it up directly or transfer funds from the FxPro Wallet.

If you have not installed the mobile platform yet, or if it was previously uninstalled, you will be prompted to download it in the “Account type” options.

You can also change the size of the leverage, reset passwords, check balances and make a deposits.

Please note that there is a maximum of 5 Live trading accounts per profile.

How do I use the list of trading assets in the FxPro App?

You can trade directly from the app using any FxPro Metatrader 4 or 5 account type.

  • You can open new trading accounts, both in live and demo mode, directly from the "Home" tab. Simply choose a platform, leverage, and account currency and click ‘Create’.
  • In the ‘Trade’ section, you will find all of the CFDs we offer in your particular account type separated by category for easy viewing. You can use the ‘Search’ bar to find the required asset. You can also create your 'favourites' list to track the instruments you are most interested in.
  • In the ‘History’ tab, you can sort through the completed financial transactions chronologically and view their details.
  • By opening the tab of each asset, you will see its price movement in real-time.
  • Each asset contains its current Buy-Sell quotes. You can expand the chart to full screen and change its type and time frame.
  • You can also scroll down to find the main asset specification (located underneath the chart): spread type, contract size, swap type and more. There are several trading widgets as well: the ratio of sellers and buyers (among FxPro clients), and the highs and lows of today’s prices.

How can I find a specific instrument?

Please go to the ‘Instrument search’ bar at the top of the Quotes screen, begin to type the name of the instrument and it will pop up automatically.

How can I open a trade in the FxPro App?

In the ‘Trade’ section you will find the list of financial assets arranged in categories. Use the ‘Search’ bar to find the required asset. Each asset contains its current Buy-Sell quotes. Tap the preferred button to proceed.
  • Before opening a position, you can set the SL and TP levels and specify the order size. (You can add or modify these values even after a position has been opened).
  • When opening a trade you can choose market execution, as well as pending orders: Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop or Sell Stop. After you have made your selection (e.g. Market Execution, Buy Limit etc) set the SL and TP levels, indicate the expiration date and the price at which the order should be triggered. Then click ‘Place’.
  • How can I modify a position using the FxPro App?

    You can modify the size or SL/TP of an open position, by tapping on an open position and then pressing 'more settings'. You can then make any necessary changes using the options provided on screen.

    You will then select to confirm the change(s).

    How can I close a trade using the FxPro App?

    You can close a trade manually from the 'Trades' tab by selecting the order you wish to close. Upon closing the order, you will see a confirmation message that "Order was closed at VWAP". A trade will close automatically when it reaches the specified Stop Loss or Take Profit limits you have set, or if the Stop Out level of the account is reached.

    Can I partially close a trade on the FxPro App?

    You can change order size by tapping on the trade you wish to modify from the ‘trades’ tab. You can then change the trade size using the buttons provided.

    You will then select the ‘Confirm’ button to confirm the change.

    Where can I find information my account balance, margin, free margin and equity?

    Information on your account balance, margin, free margin and equity is available at the top of the trading tab.

    log in

    Where can I find a history of closed trades?

    A list of all closed trades is available in the history tab. Please select any of the default periods or set a custom period.

    How can I enable Quick trading and One-tap trading?

    Quick trading and One-tap trading features can be enabled from the ‘More’ menu and ‘Trading Settings’.

    Quick trading allows you to place orders directly from the chart or instrument list.

    One-tap trading allows you to open and close orders in just one tap without any additional confirmation needed. You can also enable 'Quick closing' from here, allowing you to close orders without any additional confirmation.

    Trading Settings

    How can I set reminders for economic news events?

    The integrated economic calendar keeps you constantly up to date with the latest news and data releases. In the calendar section, you can easily set reminders to receive push notifications simply by pressing the bell icon next to the economic events you are interested in.

    News Events

    How do I use the crosshair tool?

    You can access the crosshair tool by long pressing on the chart, either in full-screen mode or from the instrument list. Once the crosshair appears, you can move it to any point on the chart, and the date and time of the corresponding candle will show in the X-axis along with the price at that specific level in the Y-axis.

    How can I add volumes to the chart?

    Volumes will be shown by default on the charts. To remove it, when in full-screen charting mode, scroll to the bin icon in the list of tools on the left hand side of the chart, and you can select which indicators to delete from the chart. The volume bars represent the number of tick changes for the corresponding price bar and helps to gauge volatility.

    Add volumes

    What chart types are available?

    The FxPro App features multiple TradingView chart types, including candlesticks, bars, Line, Area and Heiken Ashi. To change the chart type, open the chart in full-screen mode and click on the candlestick icon.

    What security features are available on the App?

    In addition to your main FxPro account password, the App also has additional security features, including 2-step authentication, passcode, and touchID.

    You can enable these options in the ‘More’ menu and ‘Security Settings’.

    Security Settings

    How can I change my password through the App?

    Your password can be changed via the App by pressing the ‘More’ menu and going to ‘Security Settings’.

    When you select ‘Change Password’, you will be prompted to enter your existing password and confirm the new one.

    Can I open and trade on a demo account via the App?

    Yes, the platform supports both live and demo trading. Once you have registered with us through the App or logged in with your existing FxPro Profile, in the ‘Accounts’ section, you will notice a ‘demo’ tab. Press the + icon in the top right-hand corner to open a new demo account.

    You simply need to select the account type, leverage, base currency and enter an amount of virtual funds up to 100,000.

    You are able to trade FxPro Metatrader 4 or 5 accounts directly in the app.

    What languages is the App available in?

    The FxPro App is available in a wide range of languages:

    English, Japanese, Korean, Italy, Chinese, Polish, German, Norweigan, Vietnamese, French, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, Czech, Romanian, Indonesian, Malaysian and Turkish.

    You can change the language from the ‘Appearance’ settings in the ‘More’ menu.

    How can I manage push notifications and email settings?

    We send regular push notifications on increased market volatility and significant market moves, keeping you up to date with the latest info on popular instruments in real-time. You can enable/disable these from the ‘Notification’ settings in the ‘More’ menu.

    You can also subscribe or unsubscribe from daily trading central technical analysis and company news emails in this section.

    Is customer support available in the App if I need assistance or have questions?

    Yes! Our 24/5 customer support team are always on hand to assist you with any questions or guide you, and we have made it even easier to contact them directly through live chat without having to leave the App. Simply select the ‘More’ menu and tap ‘Live Support’ to open a live chat with our customer support team.


    Hvad er FxPro VPS?

    FxPro VPS-service giver dig adgang til en Virtuel Privat Server leveret af BeeksFX. BeeksFX er en af de største globale leverandører af VPS løsninger, og det betjenes af et data center lokaliseret i London Equinix, den samme lokalisation som FxPro servere.

    FxPro VPS tillader at du kan indlæse dine MT4 EA´er og cTrader/cAlgo cBot´er direkte til serveren og have dem til at handle for dig, uden at det er nødvendigt at have din computer kørende.

    FxPro VPS-specifikationer kan findes på følgende sider:


    Hvad koster FxPro VPS?

    FxPro VPS subscription costs $30 per month (or equivalent amount in your FxPro Wallet currency) and it will be deducted on the 6th of every month from your FxPro Wallet.

    The FxPro VPS is free for VIP clients.

    Hvordan tilmelder jeg mig FxPro VPS?

    You can make a request via the VPS page: https://www.fxpro.com/trading-tools/fxpro-virtual-private-server

    We will then contact you directly regarding the set-up of your Virtual Server.

    Hvordan kan jeg annullere mit VPS-abonnement?

    Please send an email to [email protected] to request cancellation and we will proceed accordingly.

    Hvad skal jeg gøre hvis jeg glemmer min FxPro VPS-adgangskode?

    Venligst kontakt [email protected] og giv dem din IP og Port nummer. De vil være i stand til at udstede en ny adgangskode til dig og det vil blive sendt via mail.

    Hvordan opsætter jeg mit FxPro VPS?

    Efter du har tilmeldt dig FxPro VPS, vil du modtage en e-mail med dine log ind oplysninger fra vores VPS-udbyder, BeeksFX, som bekræfter, at din VPS-konto er blevet oprettet (det kan tage op til 2 timer før du modtager e-mail).

    For at opsætte dit VPS, klik på det VPS adresselink som blev leveret i e-mailen, indtast påkrævet oplysninger, hvilke er inkluderet i bekræftelsesmailen og download RDP filen, som er nederst på siden. Find filen på din computer og klik på den for tilslutning af den eksterne computer. En pop-op-boks vil vise sig, så du kan indtaste dine legimitationsoplysninger eller din midlertidige adgangskode, som du fik leveret. Klik ‘OK’. Du burde nu være forbundet til din VPS.


    How can I protect my online data?

    At FxPro, client data protection is a priority and we follow best practices which are described in details in our privacy policy. There are also actions we strongly suggest you take to help keep your personal data safe:

    • Never share your password(s) or sensitive account information with anyone.
    • Beware of fraudsters who may contact you claiming to be a reputable company and do not provide any personal information to them.
    • Do not click on any links or open any attachments from emails you don’t recognise or respond to unknown SMS senders. Always verify the authenticity.
    • Transactions should only be made via our secure FxPro Direct portal. Never send any funds to an external source.
    • Change your password(s) frequently and set up anti-malware software on any devices that you may use.

    For more information about online security as well as actions that FxPro takes to protect your data, please review our safety page: https://www.fxpro.com/safety

    Please contact us immediately via our official communication channels should you have any concerns or receive any suspicious contact, we are always here to support you.

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